Datasets ======== Functions to obtain datasets. Fetching real datasets ---------------------- The following functions are used to retrieve specific functional datasets: .. autosummary:: :toctree: autosummary skfda.datasets.fetch_aemet skfda.datasets.fetch_gait skfda.datasets.fetch_growth skfda.datasets.fetch_handwriting skfda.datasets.fetch_mco skfda.datasets.fetch_medflies skfda.datasets.fetch_nox skfda.datasets.fetch_octane skfda.datasets.fetch_phoneme skfda.datasets.fetch_tecator skfda.datasets.fetch_weather Those functions return a dictionary with at least a "data" field containing the instance data, and a "target" field containing the class labels or regression values, if any. In addition datasets can be downloaded from CRAN and the UCR: .. autosummary:: :toctree: autosummary skfda.datasets.fetch_cran skfda.datasets.fetch_ucr Datasets from CRAN are not in a standardized format. Datasets from the UCR are in the same format as the specific datasets, but often have an explicit test set, accessible as "data_test" and "target_test". Making synthetic datasets ------------------------- The following functions are used to make synthetic functional datasets: .. autosummary:: :toctree: autosummary skfda.datasets.make_gaussian skfda.datasets.make_gaussian_process skfda.datasets.make_sinusoidal_process skfda.datasets.make_multimodal_samples skfda.datasets.make_multimodal_landmarks skfda.datasets.make_random_warping