
This example shows the types of interpolation used in the evaluation of FDataGrids.

# Author: Pablo Marcos Manchón
# License: MIT

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

import skfda
from skfda.representation.interpolation import SplineInterpolation

The FDataGrid class is used for datasets containing discretized functions. For the evaluation between the points of discretization, or sample points, is necessary to interpolate.

We will construct an example dataset with two curves with 6 points of discretization.

fd = skfda.datasets.make_sinusoidal_process(
fig = fd.scatter()
fig.legend(["Sample 1", "Sample 2"])
plot interpolation

By default it is used linear interpolation, which is one of the simplest methods of interpolation and therefore one of the least computationally expensive, but has the disadvantage that the interpolant is not differentiable at the points of discretization.

fig = fd.plot()
plot interpolation

The interpolation method of the FDataGrid could be changed setting the attribute interpolation. Once we have set an interpolation it is used for the evaluation of the object.

Polynomial spline interpolation could be performed using the interpolation SplineInterpolation. In the following example a cubic interpolation is set.

fd.interpolation = SplineInterpolation(interpolation_order=3)

fig = fd.plot()
plot interpolation

Sometimes our samples are required to be monotone, in these cases it is possible to use monotone cubic interpolation with the attribute monotone. A piecewise cubic hermite interpolating polynomial (PCHIP) will be used.

fd = fd[1]

fd_monotone = fd.copy(data_matrix=np.sort(fd.data_matrix, axis=1))

fig = fd_monotone.plot(linestyle='--', label="cubic")

fd_monotone.interpolation = SplineInterpolation(
fd_monotone.plot(fig=fig, label="PCHIP")

fd_monotone.scatter(fig=fig, c='C1')
plot interpolation

All the interpolations will work regardless of the dimension of the image, but depending on the domain dimension some methods will not be available.

For the next examples it is constructed a surface, \(x_i: \mathbb{R}^2 \longmapsto \mathbb{R}\). By default, as in unidimensional samples, it is used linear interpolation.

X, Y, Z = axes3d.get_test_data(1.2)
data_matrix = [Z.T]
grid_points = [X[0, :], Y[:, 0]]

fd = skfda.FDataGrid(data_matrix, grid_points)

fig = fd.plot()
plot interpolation

In the following figure it is shown the result of the constant interpolation applied to the surface.

fd.interpolation = SplineInterpolation(interpolation_order=0)

fig = fd.plot()
plot interpolation

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.880 seconds)

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