
skfda.datasets.fetch_mco(*, return_X_y: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = False, as_frame: bool = False) Bunch[source]#
skfda.datasets.fetch_mco(*, return_X_y: typing_extensions.Literal[True], as_frame: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = False) Tuple[FDataGrid, ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]]]
skfda.datasets.fetch_mco(*, return_X_y: typing_extensions.Literal[True], as_frame: typing_extensions.Literal[True]) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]

Load the mithochondiral calcium overload (MCO) dataset.

The data is obtained from the R package ‘fda.usc’.

The mithochondiral calcium overload (MCO) was measured in two groups (control and treatment) every 10 seconds during an hour in isolated mouse cardiac cells. In fact, due to technical reasons, the original experiment [see [1]] was performed twice, using both the “intact”, original cells and “permeabilized” cells (a condition related to the mitochondrial membrane).


  • return_X_y – Return only the data and target as a tuple.

  • as_frame – Return the data in a Pandas Dataframe or Series.