
skfda.datasets.fetch_aemet(*, return_X_y: Literal[False] = False, as_frame: bool = False) Bunch[source]#
skfda.datasets.fetch_aemet(*, return_X_y: Literal[True], as_frame: Literal[False] = False) Tuple[FDataGrid, None]
skfda.datasets.fetch_aemet(*, return_X_y: Literal[True], as_frame: Literal[True]) Tuple[DataFrame, None]

Load the Spanish Weather dataset.

The data is obtained from the R package ‘fda.usc’ from CRAN.

Series of daily summaries of 73 spanish weather stations selected for the period 1980-2009. The dataset contains the geographic information of each station and the average for the period 1980-2009 of daily temperature, daily precipitation and daily wind speed.


Meteorological State Agency of Spain (AEMET). (2009). Meteorological data of Spanish weather stations between years 1980 and 2009. [dataset]. http://www.aemet.es/

The data were obtained from the FTP of AEMET in 2009.

  • return_X_y – Return only the data and target as a tuple.

  • as_frame – Return the data in a Pandas Dataframe or Series.

Examples using skfda.datasets.fetch_aemet#

Meteorological data: data visualization, clustering, and functional PCA

Meteorological data: data visualization, clustering, and functional PCA