Dimensionality Reduction#

When dealing with data samples with high dimensionality, we often need to reduce the dimensions so we can better observe the data.

Variable selection#

One approach to reduce the dimensionality of the data is to select a subset of the original variables or features. This approach is called variable selection. In FDA, this means evaluating the function at a small number of points. These evaluations would be the selected features of the functional datum.

The variable selection transformers implemented in scikit-fda are the following:


Maxima Hunting variable selection.


Recursive Maxima Hunting variable selection.


Reproducing kernel variable selection.


Minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR) method.

Feature extraction#

Other dimensionality reduction methods construct new features from existing ones. For example, in functional principal component analysis, we project the data samples into a smaller sample of functions that preserve most of the original variance. Similarly, in functional partial least squares, we project the data samples into a smaller sample of functions that preserve most of the covariance between the two data blocks.


Principal component analysis.


Functional Partial Least Squares Regression.