
class skfda.ml.classification.DDGClassifier(*, multivariate_classifier=None, depth_method=None)[source]#

Generalized depth-versus-depth (DD) classifier for functional data.

This classifier builds an interface around the DDGTransfomer. The transformer takes a list of k depths and performs the following map [1]:

\[\begin{split}\mathcal{X} &\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^G \\ x &\rightarrow \textbf{d} = (D_1^1(x), D_1^2(x),...,D_g^k(x))\end{split}\]

Where \(D_i^j(x)\) is the depth of the point \(x\) with respect to the data in the \(i\)-th group using the \(j\)-th depth of the provided list. Note that \(\mathcal{X}\) is possibly multivariate, that is, \(\mathcal{X} = \mathcal{X}_1 \times ... \times \mathcal{X}_p\).

In the G dimensional space the classification is performed using a multivariate classifer.

  • depth_method (Depth[Input] | Sequence[Tuple[str, Depth[Input]]] | None) – The depth class or sequence of depths to use when calculating the depth of a test sample in a class. See the documentation of the depths module for a list of available depths. By default it is ModifiedBandDepth.

  • multivariate_classifier (ClassifierMixin[NDArrayFloat, NDArrayInt] | None) – The multivariate classifier to use in the DDG-plot.


Firstly, we will import and split the Berkeley Growth Study dataset

>>> from skfda.datasets import fetch_growth
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> dataset = fetch_growth()
>>> fd = dataset['data']
>>> y = dataset['target']
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
...     fd, y, test_size=0.25, stratify=y, random_state=0)
>>> from skfda.exploratory.depth import (
...     ModifiedBandDepth,
...     IntegratedDepth,
... )
>>> from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

We will fit a DDG-classifier using KNN

>>> from skfda.ml.classification import DDGClassifier
>>> clf = DDGClassifier(
...     depth_method=ModifiedBandDepth(),
...     multivariate_classifier=KNeighborsClassifier(),
... )
>>> clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

We can predict the class of new samples

>>> clf.predict(X_test)
array([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
       1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1])

Finally, we calculate the mean accuracy for the test data

>>> clf.score(X_test, y_test)

It is also possible to use several depth functions to increase the number of features available to the classifier

>>> clf = DDGClassifier(
...     depth_method=[
...         ("mbd", ModifiedBandDepth()),
...         ("id", IntegratedDepth()),
...     ],
...     multivariate_classifier=KNeighborsClassifier(),
... )
>>> clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
>>> clf.predict(X_test)
array([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
       1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1])
>>> clf.score(X_test, y_test)

See also

DDClassifier MaximumDepthClassifier _ddg_transformer



fit(X, y)

Fit the model using X as training data and y as target values.


Get metadata routing of this object.


Get parameters for this estimator.


Predict the class labels for the provided data.

score(X, y[, sample_weight])

Return the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.


Set the parameters of this estimator.

set_score_request(*[, sample_weight])

Request metadata passed to the score method.

fit(X, y)[source]#

Fit the model using X as training data and y as target values.

  • X (Input) – FDataGrid with the training data.

  • y (Target) – Target values of shape = (n_samples).



Return type:

DDGClassifier[Input, Target]


Get metadata routing of this object.

Please check User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.


routing – A MetadataRequest encapsulating routing information.

Return type:



Get parameters for this estimator.


deep (bool, default=True) – If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.


params – Parameter names mapped to their values.

Return type:



Predict the class labels for the provided data.


X (Input) – FDataGrid with the test samples.


Array of shape (n_samples) with class labels

for each data sample.

Return type:


score(X, y, sample_weight=None)[source]#

Return the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.

In multi-label classification, this is the subset accuracy which is a harsh metric since you require for each sample that each label set be correctly predicted.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – Test samples.

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)) – True labels for X.

  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – Sample weights.


score – Mean accuracy of self.predict(X) w.r.t. y.

Return type:



Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as Pipeline). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


**params (dict) – Estimator parameters.


self – Estimator instance.

Return type:

estimator instance

set_score_request(*, sample_weight='$UNCHANGED$')#

Request metadata passed to the score method.

Note that this method is only relevant if enable_metadata_routing=True (see sklearn.set_config()). Please see User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.

The options for each parameter are:

  • True: metadata is requested, and passed to score if provided. The request is ignored if metadata is not provided.

  • False: metadata is not requested and the meta-estimator will not pass it to score.

  • None: metadata is not requested, and the meta-estimator will raise an error if the user provides it.

  • str: metadata should be passed to the meta-estimator with this given alias instead of the original name.

The default (sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED) retains the existing request. This allows you to change the request for some parameters and not others.

New in version 1.3.


This method is only relevant if this estimator is used as a sub-estimator of a meta-estimator, e.g. used inside a Pipeline. Otherwise it has no effect.

  • sample_weight (str, True, False, or None, default=sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED) – Metadata routing for sample_weight parameter in score.

  • self (DDGClassifier) –


self – The updated object.

Return type:


Examples using skfda.ml.classification.DDGClassifier#

Classification methods

Classification methods

Depth based classification

Depth based classification

Scikit-fda and scikit-learn

Scikit-fda and scikit-learn