
skfda.preprocessing.feature_construction.number_crossings(fd, *, levels=0, direction='all')[source]#

Calculate the number of crossings to a level of a FDataGrid.

Let f_1(X) = N_i, where N_i is the number of up crossings of X to a level c_i in mathbb{R}, i = 1,dots,p.

Recall that the process X(t) is said to have an up crossing of c at \(t_0 > 0\) if for some \(\epsilon >0\), X(t) $leq$ c if t :math:’in (t_0 - epsilon, t_0) and X(t) $geq$ c if \(t\in (t_0, t_0+\epsilon)\).

If the trajectories are differentiable, then \(N_i = card\{t \in[a,b]: X(t) = c_i, X' (t) > 0\}.\)

fd: FDataGrid where we want to calculate

the number of up crossings.

levels: Sequence of numbers including the levels

we want to consider for the crossings. By default it calculates zero-crossings.

direction: Whether to consider only up-crossings,

down-crossings or both.


ndarray of shape (n_samples, len(levels))with the values of the counters.


For this example we will use a well known function so the correct functioning of this method can be checked. We will create and use a DataFrame with a sample extracted from the Bessel Function of first type and order 0. First of all we import the Bessel Function and create the X axis data grid. Then we create the FdataGrid.

>>> from skfda.preprocessing.feature_construction import (
...     number_crossings,
... )
>>> from scipy.special import jv
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x_grid = np.linspace(0, 14, 14)
>>> fd_grid = FDataGrid(
...     data_matrix=[jv([0], x_grid)],
...     grid_points=x_grid,
... )
>>> fd_grid.data_matrix
array([[[ 1.        ],
        [ 0.73041066],
        [ 0.13616752],
        [ 0.25396879],
        [ 0.26095573],
        [ 0.01042895],
        [-0.2074856 ],
        [ 0.0126612 ],
        [ 0.20089319],
        [ 0.17107348]]])

Finally we evaluate the number of up crossings method with the FDataGrid created.

>>> number_crossings(fd_grid, levels=0, direction="up")
  • fd (FDataGrid) –

  • levels (ArrayLike) –

  • direction (Literal['up', 'down', 'all']) –

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]]